
  • А. Г. Виноградов Fire Safety Academy named after Chornobyl Heroes, Ukraine




water curtain, radiation absorption, transmittance, numerical calculations


 Purpose. Performance of calculations which will allow to draw the quantitative conclusions on effectiveness of shielding by means of water curtains of thermal radiation from the typical seat of fire. Results of the calculations should give information on influence of parameters of radiation and droplets on the factor of shielding.
Methodology. Function of regression for dependence of a transmittance of water spherical droplet on its diameter and on temperature of the seat of fire is found. On the basis of this function the mathematical model of passing through a water curtain of an electromagnetic radiation of a near infra-red range which corresponds to thermal radiation of absolutely black body at typical temperatures of the seat of fire (800 K – 1800 K) is constructed.
Findings. Calculated formula for a transmittance through a water curtain of a radiant heat flux; graphic dependences of a transmittance from parameters of a water curtain.
Application of results. Optimization of the radiant heat flux attenuation by means of a water spray curtain during a fire suppression

Author Biography

А. Г. Виноградов, Fire Safety Academy named after Chornobyl Heroes

к. ф.-м. н., доц.


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