
  • Ю. М. Малафеев The National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine



soft magnetic materials, permalloy 50H, advanced technology, tool materials, tungsten hard alloys, performance, quality characteristics, fine turning, chip formation, heat, cutting forces, cutting temperature, wear, micro-hardness, hardening.


Abstract. In various industries, such as instrumentation, electronics, aviation, modern technology processing soft magnetic materials is widely used. The processing of such materials reduces their basic performance - magnetic properties change qualitative characteristics - a supersonic boundary layer, the degree of hardening, the surface roughness. Therefore, more research is needed on the effect of treatment on the magnetic properties of the material and its quality parameters. From the literature it is known that the industry turning subtle details of permalloy alloys belonging to soft magnetic materials, it is very rarely used in the final
processing operations, despite higher performance compared to grinding. Pre-selection tool marks made taking into account its impact on the performance and quality characteristics of these alloys. The best results are shown KNT16 tungsten carbide, which provides the minimum value of the fall of the maximum magnetic permeability permalloy 50H. In the experiments, the influence of changing speeds and feeds at a constant cutting depth on the surface finish and the magnitude of the maximum magnetic permeability. The value of tool wear on the back of not more than 0.15 mm and varied on three levels. The research allowed to establish a number of mathematical functions to calculate the surface roughness of the machined surface and the values of the maximum magnetic permeability. The efficiency of magnetic parts and components of magnetic circuits are characterized not only the roughness of the machined surface, but its performance characteristics, which include their magnetic properties. Therefore, apart from excluding the value of roughness of the machined surface, the second constraint was selected value falling maximum
magnetic permeability. Optimization of the data limits for turning alloy 50H carried out using the method LPτ - sequences having the best characteristics of uniformity among all currently known uniformly distributed sequences.

Author Biography

Ю. М. Малафеев, The National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

к.т.н., доц.


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