
  • В О Єщенко НТУУ «Київський політехнічний інститут», м. Київ, Україна, Ukraine



modeling, stress-strain state, biomechanics, bone man with injuries


This article aimed to show main ideas in the formulation of problems in mechanics oriented on research of biomechanical objects under functional static and dynamic loads. Shown Consideration of stresses types and description of mechanical processes connected bodies of biomechanical systems (BS), the definition of functional parameters and calculations of reliability and durability of BS. Purpose. Research problems of biomechanics BS by simulation computer modeling of damaged human bones, jaw and joints with elements of inorganic structures used to restore their functionality. Desig/methodology/approach. Continuum mechanics, X-ray computed tomography. Finite element computer simulation modeling. Proprietary software "Chitach" and Fuji Prescale Film. Findings. Modern advances in computer technology, software, medicine can pose and solve complex problems in a relatively short time. This shown on example application of information technologies and systems for calculational and experimental study of distribution values of contact pressures in the damage human meniscus of knee joint. Originality. Created method and algorithm for simulation mathematical modeling SSS BS and proprietary software "Chitach" to study the distribution of contact pressures.


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Copyright certificate:komp'juterna programa dlja analіzu rozshifrovki ta kіl'kіsnogo predstavlennja velichin okljuzіjnih navantazhen' na okljuzіogramah, vіdobrazhenih na poljah tisku vimіrjuval'noї plіvki fuji prescale pressure messuring system (fuji photo film co., ltd., tokyo, japan). V.O. Ieshchenko, M.G. Krishhuk, P.V. Leonenko, G.P. Leonenko. A.s. 49228 Ukraїna. No 49485; date of entry. 14.03.2012; registered.18.05.2012.

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