ultrasonic cavitation treatment, ultrasonic transducers, transformer oscillating pressure, ultrasonic cavitationAbstract
The effectiveness of processes which using ultrasonic cavitation, depends on the intensity of the ultrasonic vibrations introduced to the liquid. The aim of the article is to provide a methods of calculation a ultrasonic cavitators with one-dimensional cavitation chamber excited by an ultrasonic resonator driven emitter, providing high efficiency cavitation processing of liquids.
In this work we propose a method of calculating the size of the main speakers of the ultrasonic cavitation process equipment for processing in the flow of liquids using high-intensity ultrasound. Concentration of ultrasonic energy is achieved by applying an oscillatory pressure step transformer.
In results we have recommendations about the possibilities further enhance the effectiveness of the cavitation treatment. Justified the creation of complex resonant system allowing for the treated fluid cavitation.
The proposed technique takes into account the fluid parameters, the design features of the cavitation chamber and applied in an oscillatory system structural materials.
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