
  • Микола Георгійович Крищук National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Р. Б. Лисенко Higher medical educational institution of Ukraine "Ukrainian medical stomatological academy", Ukraine



біомеханіка, черевна стінка людини, жорсткістні характеристики, ортотропні механічні властивості, біологічні тканини, апоневроз, черевний тиск, сітчастий імплантат, пошкодження, тонкостінна неоднорідна оболонка, несуча здатність, скінченно-елементна модел


The study of the structural organization of the biomechanical system of the abdominal wall with damaged human muscular-aponevrotyc biological tissues. The estimation of its load-bearing capacity in functional power load pressurized tissues in normal and in the case of damage repair of the abdominal wall by alloplasty. An adequate analytical simulation model of a thin-walled cylindrical fragment inhomogeneous shell with equivalent stiffness parameters of a homogeneous isotropic material layer and the finite element model of the prototype flat - an analogue of the characteristics of a transversely isotropic material. Practical application of the method of calculation carried out to determine the relationship of abdominal pressure and allowable stresses of the aponeurosis of the radius of the spherical segment of a cylindrical shell for three cases of the biomechanical state of the abdominal wall in the norm, with injuries, after alloplasty by mesh implants. Using finite-element model of the prototype flat - an analogue of the abdominal wall revealed that concentration by Mises equivalent stresses in the zone of damage aponeurosis compared with values in normal growing six times and strain twice. Bearing capacity multilayer membrane biological tissues of the abdominal wall is mainly determined person as biomechanical tissue aponeurosis.

Author Biography

Микола Георгійович Крищук, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv

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