screw working organ, sections of, moment, screw conveyerAbstract
The dynamics of screw conveyors has been investigated as multi mechanical model. Theoretical basis and methods for determining the design, kinematic, dynamic, technological, functional, performance and other parameters and characteristics of sectional screw working bodies presented in the literature. But, variable loads, which arise in screw conveyers does not taken into account, and the moments of inertia of the system elements not discussed in detail. During the screw sectional conveyer work, loads, which cause break down it’s working elements, arise when relative rotation angle between two adjacent sections exceeding allowable, as determined from conveyor parts condition of strength. It was found that the relative rotation angle value at dynamic loads greater than the value at static loads. The construction of flexible sectional conveyer with bolted ellipse connections of the sections was represented. The system of nonlinear differential equations was composited, which were solved by Runge-Kutt numeral method with using a computer program with built graphic dependences of the dynamic loads in different regimes of the conveyer work. Graphical dependencies of relative rotation angles changes of screw conveyor sections, and of relative speed of rotation of sections in time due to different modes of loads, based on theoretical studies were built. Dependencies of dynamic moments between screw conveyor sections with a progressive load.References
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