machining, grinding, mounting of figure of the cold rolling of pipes, CAM-system, CNC machine-toolsAbstract
Purpose. To develop the mathematical model of grinding working surface of mounting figure of the cold rolled piping and geometrical contact of steady rest with a control from CNC system and to create the system of the automated design for program control.
Methodology. Being based on the analysis of chart of geometrical contact of grinding wheel in shape torus and steady rest a necessary mathematical model was developed. A model describes dependences of positions of grinding wheel and steady rest in the function of co-ordinate of moving of CNC machine table. Created the computer aided manufacturing system uses digital arrays which present the shape of mounting and special numeral procedures of simulation of all cycle of grinding mounting. In result, the file of the control program is automatically designed, where necessary positions of workings elements of machine-tool are saved during of all cycle of grinding. The computer aided manufacturing system and modernized grinding CNC machine-tool 3К152ВФ20 with steady rest is utilized on a production and confirmed the efficiency: time of technological preproduction was decreased in a few times, exactness is well-to-do ±0,03mm and roughness of Ra=0,16m of working surface.
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