computational and theoretical biomechanical analysis, finite element method, dental implants, bearing capacity, the stress-strain state, the human dentognathic apparatusAbstract
Abstract. In this paper, up to date computer hardware and software was held by calculation and theoretical analysis of the forces of the biomechanical stresses and strains of the "bone - dental implant - supraconstruction". The laws of the bearing capacity of the jaw bone to functional load of dental implants were investigated, depending on the anatomy of the alveolar process and the structure of the occlusal surface supraconstructions. There were calculated the surface area of contact of dental implants with cortical and trabecular bone tissue of different volume that determines the carrying capacity to deformations in the case of complicated form ofthe stress-strain state of the jaw bone in connection to implant.
Purpose Perform incremental numerical and theoretical study concernig study of capacity and mechanical aspects of distribution and stress concentration of the deformation of bone biomechanical system "bone - dental implants - supraconstruction" (KDIS) rights under physiological norm biological tissue based on advanced techniques using bioengineering analysis CAD / CAE technologies.
Findings. Increase capacity of CT associated with the approach vector functional load on the surface occlusion crowns dental implant to implant symmetriyi axial lines and reduce of capacity observed in bias surface centrifugal force loads and an increase in the angle of the main vector of force load.
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