explosion, explosive-technical expertise, mathematic modeling explosive process, detonation, TNT, LS-DYNA, homemade explosive device, explosive deformation, explosive crashing, JWL, PLASTIC-KINEMATICAbstract
In accordance with regulations of International civil aviation organization, all aircrafts witch transport 30 and more passengers must have special device to defuse home-made explosive bombs. Numerical methods of computer modeling are used for construct that devises more and more. Quantity of these methods depends on adequacy level of created mathematical model to real physical process. In this article questions of design adequacy mathematical model of deforming process of special device body underinner pressure of home-made bomb explosion are discussed. Mathematical model adequacy is controlled by comparison modeling and experimental results. Computer program "ANSYS/LS-DYNA" was used for mathematical researching. Because of mathematical model have to consist as gas part (detonation product, air) as metal part (defuse home-made explosive bombs devise body) it was based on Lagrange-Euler method of describing behavior of different materials under shock. Expansion of detonation products was
described by JWL equation of state. States of metal defuse home-made explosive bombs devise body and paper bomb body were described by elastic-plastic material model with kinematic hardening plasticity "PLASTIC-KINEMATIC". In order to find values of that model parameters for the paper bomb body spatial experiments were carried out.
Conclusions: Mode of deformation definition method of defuse home-made explosive bombs devise was created. That method bases on adequacy mathematical model which describes home-made bomb explosion process which places inside of devise align.
Increasing of paper bomb body thickness to 16 mm leads to decreasing plastic deformation of outer surface of defuse home-made explosive bombs devise body by straight line low with a coefficient 0,002 1/mm and decreasing level expansion that surface up to 1mm. This decreasing is equal to 20% of maximum level expansion special device body when was exploded inside of than high explosive without paper body
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