Factors hierarchy model, linguistic variables, dust collectorAbstract
The model of hierarchy of factors of efficiency of work of dust colection of new construction is developed. Except for arrangement of factors after importance of their influence this model does possible the subsequent dividing by dependent (internal) components for the exposure of degree of weakening or strengthening of action cause his facto. A result of taking of the chosen factors to the proper hierarchical level is objective so, as far as his authenticity is provided the use of the known principles of theory of analysis of the systems, design theory, methodology of research and decision of problems. Appearance of concrete obstacle at certain level substantially depends on the set connections between them. Priority of action of factor on efficiency of work of dust collection of new construction is a size relative and can be changed depending on the expert estimation of measure of influence of factor on the probed process.The probabilistic model of hierarchy of factors of efficiency of work of the developed vehicle is synthesized in the total, and on its foundation in the first approaching the model of priority influence of certain factors is developed on efficiency of work of dust collection of new constructionReferences
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