polymeric materials, new cutting method, surface quality, exactness, non-rigid constructionsAbstract
In this article considered and decided problem of machining of polymeric materials on non-rigid large-dimensioned constructions for achievement of maximal exactness, quality and productivity.The purpose of this work is establishment of features, conformities to law and dependences of cutting of viscoelastic polymeric materials on large-dimensioned non-rigid materials for the increase of exactness of coating thickness, improvement of quality of the machined surface and ecology on a production, and also achievements of more high yield as compared to existent methods.
For this purpose developed hypothesis about the increase of exactness of active control at machining of dielectric coverages on hardwares with the use of vortical currents and hypothesis about the mechanism of the sliding cutting of viscoelastic polymeric materials, allowing to manage the process of separation of the cut away layer. The on principle new charts of size machining of viscoelastic polymeric materials, based on the use of physical effect of the sliding cutting, providing complete implementation of the basic technological requirements to quality and exactness of the treated surface, are developed.
The new method of machining of viscoelastic polymeric materials is based on the use of cutting chart in two mutually perpendicular directions, allowing to realize the sliding cutting. It will allow substantially to decrease deformation of the processed material as compared to the traditional cutting and, thus, create terms at which energy of deformation will be transformed in work of break of molecular connections on more early stage
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