
  • А. С. Каиров National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov, Nikolaev, Ukraine
  • А. А. Лимарь National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov, Nikolaev,
  • С. Н. Анастасенко National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov, Nikolaev,



cutting tool, penhtaedral plate design solution, cutting fluids, cooling, load capacity, modified cutter, durability characteristics


The theoretical study of lubricating technological environments feedings ways, the impact of their usage on the cutting tools characteristics is given. The constructive solutions of lubricating technological environments feedings are also presented. The foregoing design gives an opportunity to increase the durability of the cutting tool.

Purpose. The main aim of this work is the development of new constructive solutions,giving an opportunity for the strength characteristics of the cutting tool mprovement by the usage of the flow cooling technology environments by means of pentagonal interchangeable cutting inserts.

Design/methodology/approach The foregoing problem was solved by a single-circuit cooling system of a modified cutter with interchangeable disposable plates with creation. The proposed cutter is more functional due to its higher technological efficiency, strength incensement for more then 1.5 times in comparison to other constructional decisions of the homogeneous cutters. Such methodology of cutters; design with special cooling effects should be used rotational cutting tools with polygonal plates as well as with other types of cutting tools.

Findings. The developed design solution gives an opportunity for the cooling environments flow through the channels in the cutting tool modified technology usage. without access to the cutting zone, representing the cooling system of interconnected functional modified pentagonal cutter with interchangeable disposable plates.

Originality/ value. The modified cutter with closed single loop cooling is more universal and functional then other obtained cutters’ design decisions, that leads to its satisfied industrial application for the rotational cutting tools with polygonal cutting plates

Author Biographies

А. С. Каиров, National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov, Nikolaev

д.т.н., проф.

С. Н. Анастасенко, National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov, Nikolaev

к.т.н., доц.


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