wear, wheel pair, lifetimeAbstract
Subject. Wear wheelsets.
Purpose. Analysis methods prolong the life of wheelsets.
Design/methodology/approach. Considered the problem of wear bandages wheelsets. The analysis and classification made factors that affect the rate of wear of wheel sets. Friction complex process, so wear studies should consider many factors, the selection of which, depending on various conditions is different. Defined methods to improve the life of wheelsets. According to the common characteristics and the nature of their performance is divided into four groups: designing, technological, operations and maintenance due to the quality of the way. Proposed a method for lifetime extension wheelsets. Ensuring proper placement of wheel pairs in the bogie, providing design values of the axes load in the repair is an important reserve for increasing longevity wheelsets.
Findings. Application of the proposed method will allow to use them wheelsets of railway rolling stock and increase turnaround mileage. Proposed a method using decision theory and the theory of risk.References
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