bulletproof armor, armor protection criterion, explosion welding, two-layer composition, steel armor with an aluminum substrateAbstract
Purpose. On the basis of well-known calculating criteria of armor protection to compare the common armor protection bulletproof materials (steel armor, armor ceramics) with the bimetal made by explosion welding as a material for a two-layer armor. Design/methodology/approach. Calculating criteria of armor resistance of materials are depending on which includes the density of the material, its micro-hardness and other properties. Density and other properties of the bimetal is determined using well-known formulas. Microhardness of the bimetal's surface is measured. Stiglitz criterion is calculated using these data. Findings. Calculated value of the Stiglitz criterion for bimetal steel 65Г + aluminum AД0 with equal layer thicknesses is more than twice of the value of this criterion (cited in the literature) for armored steel, but as steel armor, in ten times less than the value of this criterion for effective bulletproof ceramics (hot-pressed boron carbide). Originality/value. Bimetal steel 65Г + aluminum AД0 made by explosion welding is quite acceptable from the point of view of calculating criteria of bulletproof armor protection, and from economic reasons can successfully compete with both armor steel and impact-resistant armor ceramic materials.
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