energy efficiency, energy losses, stroke, duty cycle, hydraulic drive system, trajectory of the energy flowAbstract
Study of energy losses of industrial hydraulic systems.
Purpose. The analysis of the energy flow trajectory by hydraulic system with a large number of drives.
Design/methodology/approach.It was performed the analysis with regard to the factors that affect the level of energy efficiency of industrial hydraulic drive.
Findings. It was done review of typical industrial hydraulic drive systems with a large number of actuators. It was showed the sequence of the system and the switching sequence of electromagnets of hydraulic directional valves.
Originality/value. It was considered the trajectory of energy flow in separate stroke and are determined energy losses at each time step. The magnitude of the energy loss in each of the devices on the line of the trajectory of the energy flow was determined. The balance of power on levels of devices in the structure of the functional modules of the hydraulic system was showed. It was achieved verifying circuit path of the energy flow in the cyclic industrial hydraulic drive system and are identified areas for further researchReferences
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