engine, powerplant, thrust reverser, TR, cooling line, Bleed Air System, aeroacoustic processAbstract
The experimental and computation researches were made for engine (powerplant) operation and moving parts of the Thrust Reverser (TR). It has been proved by experiments that bleed air system has an impact on the intensive growth of structural stress in TR moving parts. For the first time the researches were made in order to establish principal patterns of aeroacoustic processes generation, distribution and effect put on the parts streamlined by gas approach flow. Basing on the results of test rig experiments it has been established that structural stress in TR parts has a resonant behavior at High Pressure Compressor rotation rate (that equal to 7600 RPM, 8040 RPM and 8700 RPM). The characteristic frequencies of structural stress oscillations in TR are 157 Hz, 270 Hz and (314…340) Hz, which are not comply with engine rotor harmonics. The levels of dynamic stress at the area of fan air valve location are varying within the range of (0.1…3.5) 107 Pa. The results of tests made on the aircraft confirmed the fact that if engine (powerplant) operates together with bleed air system (fan air) with the plugged duct then occurred an intensive growth of dynamic structural stress of TR moving parts up to 5.4 107 Pa. Basing on the computation model one of the possible ways of solution was definedReferences
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