ultrasonic cavitation treatment, transformer oscillating pressure, ultrasonic cavitationAbstract
The main methods of increasing the intensity of ultrasonic vibrations in the process equipment are discussed and analyzed. A method of increasing the sound pressure using a conical transformer pressure is proposed. The expressions for the distribution of sound pressure along the axis of the conical pressure transformer are received. The main factors affecting the efficiency of the conical pressure transformers are analyzed. The results of transformers conical pressure on different modes of oscillation. It is shown that the lowest work conical fashion transformer pressure is ineffective and a maximum pressure increase was dependent on the ratio of the diameter and is of limited value. Shows nomogram for calculating the geometric dimensions of the transformer conical pressure depending on the desired ratio increased pressure. Shows expressions to limit the maximum diameter tapered transformers pressure. The method of calculating the geometric dimensions of the conical pressure transformer is offered. The proposed technique takes into account the parameters of the liquid, the operating frequency and the design features of the cavitation chamberReferences
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