screw broadening pressing, screw field, form of channel of matrix, accumulated deformation, speed of material points, equal channel pressingAbstract
The analysis of influence of form of channel of matrix is executed on the parameters of process of deformation. It is shown that at passing the accumulated deformation is determined the purveyance of working channel of matrix by total on zones deformation. Distribution of maximal level of the accumulated intensity of deformations on the section of purveyance, depends on the geometrical parameters of matrix and practically does not depend on mechanical properties and type of material of purveyance. This estimation of degree of realization of description of matrix taking into account cooperation of mechanisms screw of deformation and slipping of material at the screw broadening pressing in the direction of axis of motion of purveyance. It is set that the presence of mechanism of slipping for an elliptic matrix can decrease size of the accumulated deformation in a peripheral zone. Thus experimental distribution of deformations gives the error of determination no more 11% with a curve that takes into account two mechanisms of deformation.
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