pressing with intermixing, high shear strain, moving velocity, kinematics of the deformation process, the theory of plastic flow of metals, continuum mechanicsAbstract
Features of the metal flow in the cylindrical channel of the matrix in new process of pressing with intermixing are considered. At the motion in the working channel the metal flows around the cylindrical instrument which has axial rotation. Definition of velocity of travel of the particles is executed with use of the general equations of a continuum mechanics and hydrodynamics, and also decomposition of kinematics of the deformation process. The general solution for the velocity field is received on the basis of consideration of the flow around of the cylinder by the continuum mechanics taking into account tool rotation. It is shown that deriving vector component of velocities allows making the analysis of the intense-deformed state and of the energy-power parameters of pressing process with intermixing at use of the equations closed system of the theory plastic flow of metals. Application of new process secures deriving of major shear strains at the press processing of the metals and alloys, including the solid-liquid state and for powder materialsReferences
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