
  • К. О. Дядюра Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
  • А. С. Юнак Sumy State University, Sumy,



reliability, technological heredity, self-organisation, mechanical handling, surface layer


Design methodology for modeling processes directed formation of a technical condition of power equipment in their self-organization.

Methodology. Applies synergic approach to determine the parameters of reliability of power equipment. This approach is scientific and reasonable selection of the main weighty settings directional properties of the formation of details of power equipment and arguments disregard an infinite set of other parameters. Self-organization processes directed formation of physical and mechanical properties of the surface layer of details is considered on the basis of systematic analysis of the evolution and degradation of the technical state. The main elements of the system are: subsystem forming properties of the workpiece, the subsystem manufacturing (machining) and subsystem operation. Presented system is open. To be effected the influence of the environment, energy, matter and information, resulting in the transformation properties is realized piece in performance parts. Manages all these processes non-linearity. Feedback allows calculating metrics quantity and quality parameters of the process of technological transformation, as is the use of information technology impact, organize threading and permanence.

Findings. Is developed structural model directional parameters forming component subsystems of quality products for the directed formation properties of the surface layer of components that allow obtaining the necessary links between the parameters of the surface layer and the input and output parameters of the process operation that provide best performance or minimal cost.

Author Biographies

К. О. Дядюра, Sumy State University, Sumy

к.т.н., доц.

А. С. Юнак, Sumy State University, Sumy



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