rheological models, humid dispersive material, hydraulic-pulse vibropress, vibro-blowing loadingAbstract
Purpose. Compilation of equations, that links the working parameters of process of vibro-blowing loading of humid dispersive material in a process of its dehydration on hydraulic-pulse vibropress in closed-type press-form, the physico-mechanical features of the processed material and constructive parameters of vibropress.
Method/methodology/approach. The designed by author the scheme of vibro-blowing inertia loading of processed material in closed-type press-form, uninertia springy-viscous-plastic rheological models of the material, developedwith taking into account the dry friction between hard particles, their interaction with particles of the liquid phase and presence in a material of the free liquid; the equations of the motion executive elements of vibropress, equation of the conservation of their pulse, equation of the balances of energy, equations of the motion of hard and liquid particles of the processed material, rheological equation of the change of strains and deformations of hard and liquid phases of the material in process of its vibro-blowing loading.
Findings. Equations, that presented in article, will allow to create in a further the methods of the design calculation of hydraulic-pulse equipment for vibro-blowing dehydration of humid dispersive materials, in that number the waste of food production (alcohol bard, beer grain, beet pulp, coffee and barley slime). Using that equipment will allow to solve a problem of salvaging of the waste.
Originality/value. Using of the equations, that presented in article, will allow to calculate the optimum constructive parameters of hydraulic-pulse equipment for vibro-blowing dehydration of humid dispersive materials, coming from their physico-mechanical features and parameters of loading, providing herewith maximum capacity of working process, its minimum energy-capacity and necessary final moisture of the processed materialReferences
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