parallel kinematics machine tool, spindle, rotating, gyroscopic moment, bearing, body rolling, spinning, pneumatic spindlеAbstract
The features of spatial motion of spindle of machine-tool of parallel kinematics are considered. It is shown that spatial motion of spindle stipulates the origin of gyroscopic moments on rotable components. Negative effect of gyroscopic moments on the rolling bodies of bearing is grounded. For certain, the problem in general lies in development of high-efficiency machine-tools of parallel kinematics with high-frequency of spindle rotation.
The aim of research is theoretical determination of loading on the rotable details of spindle knot at its spatial moving and development of measures to offset the negative effects of the rotational motion of the spindle.
Tasks of the research are to put mathematical description of the dynamic loading, to establish the effect of these loads on the rotable details of spindle and to develop suggestions on indemnification of negative effects of gyroscopic moments on the spindle knot of machine-tool of parallel kinematics.
It is recommended not to use the spindle of bearings rolling in parallel kinematics machines. As an alternative, a special design of pneumatic spindlе is offeredReferences
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