temperature, hand-operated arc welding, thermo vision camera, zone of heating, power supplyAbstract
Purpose. To estimate possibility of use of teplovizionny equipment for quality standard of extent of temperature fields on a surface of a welded product.
Research. For registration of temperature fields in products when welding by melting researches on a known technique were carried out. Carried out a naplavka of the roller manual arc welding (RDS) by the covered electrodes of the LB 52U brand on a plate of 100х150 mm in thickness of 6 mm from steel 09Г2С. Used the most applied VD-306 power supply and the invertorny power supply of new generation of Nebula-315. Registration of temperature fields was carried out by means of a teplovizor of ThermaCAM P65HS by FLIR firms (USA). Shooting carried out throughout time of welding of one pass with frequency of change of the thermoimage of 5 Hz. Adequacy of the received temperature fields supervised by means of infra-red pyrometer S-500. After processing initial термограмм in the ThermaCAM Researcher appendices and a mathematical MATLAB package in the form of a set of m-files received images of isotherms on a plate surface.
Conclusion.Teplovizionnoye research of thermal fields allows to estimate a zone of thermal influence in real time and to predict prochnostny properties, a chemical composition and mechanical properties of welded connectionsReferences
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