
  • В. А. Марунич The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine



sliding cutting, new conformity to law, physical processes, increase of longevity, improvement of geometrical descriptions


The new machining method of materials is developed in this work, which has the name sliding cutting. A purpose of this work is creation of new conformity to law of separation of the cut away layer at machining method of materials. It will allow to transform energy of deformation in work of break of atomic bondings and cohesions on more early stage. The new machining method of materials for sharpening and millings which allow to realize the effect of the sliding cutting are developed. The on principle new method of treatment cutting of materials is created, allowing to transform energy of deformation in work of break of atomic bondings and cohesions on more early stage. A task is decided on achievement in the contact area of instrument with the assurance of terms, which an every kind local decline of resistance of the processed metal a cutting process, origin of crack and its development in certain direction, is at. It resulted in the improvement of quality of superficial layer and promoted longevity and exactness of details of machines

Author Biography

В. А. Марунич, The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dniepropetrovsk

к.т.н, доц.


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