product with a cavity, combined extrusion, ironing, finite element method, deformation’s force, half-stuff, stress and strain, the final shape and size of the productAbstract
There are shown the possibility of obtaining products with a cavity given shape with the desired properties of the deformed metal. The half-stuff is obtained by cold combined extruding at the first transition, performed ironing for reducing of the wall thickness and increasing the height of the product at the second transition. There’re identified the parameters of extruding by the finite element method, which provide simultaneous flow of metal in two directions and shaping products at reduced forces, as well as the required size of successive dies for ironing. Also there’re identified the force modes of extruding, distribution of specific forces on the deforming tools, ejection’s forces of half-stuff from die, stress and strain in the metal of half-stuff. Extruding allowed to obtain the appropriate treatment of metal structure in the bottom part of the future product by cold plastic deformation with achieving the desired yield strength in deformed metal. Identified dependence on the forces of movement of the punch, the final shape and size of the product, as well as strain intensity and degree of using of resource of plasticity in the deformed metal in the wall products for ironing in view of the accumulated strainReferences
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