pervaporation, sorption, membrane element, wastewater treatment, organic impurities, "sorption" apparatus, hybrid scheme of water purificationAbstract
Abstract. Object. Experimental studies of technological parameters of process waste water purification and identification of the most effective technological scheme selection of organic pollution from wastewater.
Design, methodology, approach. For the study of pervaporation process was used experimental unit that allows varying removal methods vapors of organic substances, hydrodynamic and temperature regimes. In the experimental unit had been dune the series of experiments of the temperature effect to the purification degree of wastewater from the organic impurities. Then had been dune series of experiments for determined the concentration of organic pollutants in a model liquid that after pervaporation was arrived to the "sorption" apparatus for the addition purification.
Conclusions. It was found that purification process intensifies with increase the temperature of the model liquid applying to separation. Also the combination of pervaporation at different temperature regimes with sorption membrane elements was using, which gives greatly improving efficiency of purification of the model liquid of organic component.
Research novelty / importance. Had been developed hybrid scheme of water purification which is based on a combination pervaporation with sorption membrane elements. The research has shown the feasibility of using of the hybrid schemes for wastewater treatment.
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