clumping mechanism, lathe, electric-mechanical drive, genetic-morphological synthesisAbstract
Purpose. Development preconditions of the new approach to creating and describing electromechanical actuators of clamping mechanisms wgich based on genetic and morphological synthesis. Design/methodology/approach. The main theoretical basics of genetic-morphological approach to the synthesis of electric-mechanical drives of clamp lathes, into them genetic information is identified, method of its coding is proposed. Common structure and model of power flows, acting in lathes mechanisms are observed. Classification of possible cases of the power flows in the rotating drive mechanisms of clamping. There is shown, that transfer of power and energy from power entrance to the clamping mechanism to the clumping object can be described at different levels of complexity of structure. Structure formulae, describing power flows in electric-mechanic billet clamping mechanism, are given. Findings. Using evolutionary theory of technical systems was made constructions of electromechanical actuators of clamping mechanism by genetically morphological synthesis. Originality/value. Proposed to use evolutionary theory of technical systems for the synthesis of structures electromechanical actuators of clamping mechanism.
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