upsetting, preparing profiling, convex plates, modeling, die-forging, strain intensities, stress intensitiesAbstract
Purpose. Development and analysis of variants of stamping a flat forging with the presence of drops (unevenness) cross-section with a package of finite element analysis Deform 3D, for example, forging "support".
Design/methodology/approach. The analysis of technological transitions and technical and economic indicators of three options of stamping of a flat forgings "Support" with existence of differences of cross section (material - state standard specification 1050-88 steel 40) in a Deform 3D without preliminary profiling, with introduction of preliminary profiling during upsetting by convex oblong dies with existence of eccentricity and multi-piece die-forging. Shows dependences of distribution of stress and strain intensities in the studied sections for the three technologies by results of modeling.
Findings. It is revealed that introduction of preparing profiling by an upsetting by convex plates with eccentricity of loading before operation of stamping leads to decrease in intensity of tension on 5% and intensity of deformations on 25% in an engraving of a final brook, to improvement of filling of an engraving of a stamp and allows to reduce metal waste to 22%
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