
  • Алла Викторовна Плащинская S.P.Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Елена Трифоновна Башта National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Елена Витальевна Джурик National Aviation University, Kyiv,



fatigue crack, thin plate, biaxial stress state, asymmetrical cyclic loading, equivalent stress, damage


The paper presents the theoretical approach to modeling of the fatigue fracture processes in view of two stages of fracture including crack initiation and crack propagation stage as well as plane state of stress at the crack tip. The approach is based on the joint consideration of boundary-value problem of fracture mechanics and damage accumulation kinetics problem of the continuum damage theory. The plane stress state in the vicinity of the crack tip is reduced to the equivalent linear stress state by the mixed fracture criterion combining the maximum principal stress and the intensity of shear stresses. Using the equivalent stresses criterion allows to reduce asymmetrical loading cycle to the equivalent symmetrical cyclic loading on rupture time. The calculation results for different stress ratio of asymmetrical cyclic loading agree well with experimental data. The effect of the allowance for biaxial stresses distribution at the crack tip at calculating of the kinetics of fatigue crack in thin infinite plate under uniaxial asymmetrical tension-compression is analyzed.

Author Biographies

Алла Викторовна Плащинская, S.P.Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

старший научный сотрудник отдела механики ползучести

Елена Трифоновна Башта, National Aviation University, Kyiv

профессор НАУ

Елена Витальевна Джурик, National Aviation University, Kyiv

доцент НАУ


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