Powder die steel, static strength, dynamic strength, chemical composition, structure material, resistance stamping diesAbstract
The results of experimental studies of the mechanical properties of modern die steels for the manufacture of stamping dies for the purpose of comparing them to make informed choices. Die steels K455 and Vanadis-4 Extra were studied to obtain static strength characteristics in a three-point bending, identified toughness on specimens with V-like hub, as well as the results of fatigue tests were described with fatigue curve and fatigue point at symmetrical cycle was estimated for steel K455. All tests were conducted using standard techniques on specimens heat treated on the technology used in the manufacture of stamping dies. There were also conducted field tests of stamps powder steel Vanadis-4 Extra with the definition of plate run. Actual tests of stamping dies were conducted to identify their plate run with the justification of the results based on the analysis of the chemical composition, structure and materials experimentally determined characteristics of static and dynamic strengthReferences
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