osteosynthesis, displacement of fragments, fixation of bone fragments, fragments fixation stiffness, power fixation of fractures, fracture fixation stability, astragalus, screws, spokes.Abstract
Purpose. Subject matter of the present paper is to investigate the characteristics of hardness and fixation of fractures with standard and self-tightening screws, fixing the oblique talus fracture in real regimes of external load including the cyclic ones.
Design/methodology/approach. During the experiment the specimen of limbs without pathology of the bone tissue had been used. Fixation of the bone fragments (osteosynthesis) had been performed by the means of standard and self-tightening screws. Tests were conducted by transferring the load on fixed distal fragment fracture of the talus in the craneal direction. Downloads modes: one static and impact more cyclically variable loads that simulate human weight.
Findings. During the transmission of the compressing force onto the fragment, the type of the fixing screw greatly influences the deformation of the osteosynthetic systems at all levels of load; permanent residual deformations (mutual shift of fragments) of the systems with self-tightening screws are much more lower if compared to the ones of the systems, employing the standard ones. Em-ployment of the new type of screws significantly increases the fixation stability and generally increases the mechanical durability of the fixation of the oblique fracture of the talus fracture.
Originality/value. Results are important for medicine and can improve treatment.
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