filtration, ultrasonic cavitation treatment, ultrasound field, ultrasonic cavitation, cavitation erosion.Abstract
Purpose. Filtration of liquid may be increased by ultrasonic cavitation. Aim of article is creation of math model of filtration in a standing ultrasonic field.
Design/methodology/approach. Using equation of Herring-Flynn has allowed us to calculate velocity of the wall of bubble, which provided an opportunity to calculate the speed and movement of the pollutant particles in an ultrasonic field in the destruction of the cavitation bubble.
Findings. The analysis of the calculated values show that fluctuations of contaminants in the field of ultrasonic cavitation field is much larger than the filter pore walls, which in fine filters are 5 ... 20 microns.
Originality/value. This paper can explain theory of so called “drunken” parts in ultrasonic fields, however next step is practice realisation.
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