ultrasonic cavitation treatment, tubular cavitator, ultrasonic cavitation, ultrasonic processing equipmentAbstract
Purpose. Developing the method for calculating the ultrasonic resonant cavitation cells with radial-bending fluctuations of the cell walls is presented. Design/methodology/approach. The solution of the wave equation for the fluid that fills the inner volume of the cavitation chamber is analyzed. It is found that the minimum value of sound pressure is on the cavitator axis. It is shown that the number of fluctuations nodes in a liquid depends on the modes of the cell walls and the speed of sound in the liquid. Findings. It is shown that the wall thickness of the cell has significant impact on the operating frequency and sound pressure distribution in the internal volume of the cell. The operating frequency can be chosen for any diameter of the pipe with condition this frequency is ultrasonic. Originality/value. The obtained values allow to calculate the geometric dimensions of the cell at different output data.References
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