Degree of development testing, Test object, Comprehensive development test programs, Ground development test, Conventional technical unitAbstract
Purpose. Determining the degree of development testing of rocketry items represented by missiles during the simplex method planning for the qualitative transition from one test item to another, reduction of test cost and duration. Design/methodology/approach. Determining the degree of development testing of an item by the ratio of working characteristics and the external conditions during the tests to the required ones. These working characteristics and external conditions are determined by the sum of the values of dimensionless coefficients corresponding to their parameters, which are obtained using a logarithmical relation as the ratio of the parameter value or the external conditions to its normalized value. At this to the result logarithmical relation is added a unit in order to expand the application range for the values of the working characteristics and external conditions. Originality/value. More accurate determination of "transitions" between test objects, the proportion of characteristics having passed the development testing in the test object higher in the hierarchy, readiness for flight tests and the end of development testing of the final product.References
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