
  • Віталій Володимирович Кротевіч National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine



natural gas, odorization, odorizers


The paper presents the results of research and comparative analysis of odorizers of natural gas which are designed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its odorization in order to identify the leakages in technological systems of transportation, distribution and consumption till the moment of achievements of explosive limit or harmful concentrations by introducing a substance with a strong specific smell. On the results of fundamental analysis of the existing odorizers of natural gas new technical solutions are proposed which allowed to create odorizers which effectively operate under different conditions of operation and quality of odorant. Such systems have high accuracy of gas odorization offline with minimal involvement of the staff. Particular attention is paid to high -efficiency nonfilter odorizer of natural gas. The main advantage of such installation is absence of the filter to clear out the odorant of dirt and ice. The principle of the installation differs from other flowodorizers in the fact that pump delivers not liquid but natural gas. If there are heating elements it can operate offline while operating personnel work is focused exclusively on refilling of odorant storage capacity.

Author Biography

Віталій Володимирович Кротевіч, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv

кафедра приладобудування НТУУ"КПІ", аспірант


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Original study