



vortex chamber supercharger, hydraulic transport, injection factor, pneumatic transport, jet pump


Purpose. Power efficiency of hydraulic and the pneumatic transport systems, constructed on a basis of vortex chamber superchargers is investigated. Approach. On the basis of experimental researches results of vortex chamber superchargers the diagram comparison of achievable injector factors direct-flow jet devices and vortex chamber superchargers is plotted. Findings. It is received that the injector factor on a solid of vortex chamber supercharger surpasses four times achievable (theoretical) injector factor on a solid of the direct-flow jet device. Consequently, necessary pressure of an active flow considerably decreases, and the necessary (consumed) power brought to the device for supply of the set injector factor on a solid decreases. At pumping of solid mediums in pneumatic transport vortex chamber superchargers are more effective and possess the big efficiency.

Author Biography

Андрей Сергеевич Роговой, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Kharkov

доцент кафедры "Теоретическая механика и гидравлика"


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