
  • С. В. Лапковський The National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine
  • С. А. Савлюк The National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine
  • М. О. Солдатова Kyiv industrial technical school, Kyiv, Ukraine




DFM, product, estimation


Purpose. DFM of products, components, assembly units and details is the most important stage of technological preparation of production. As evidence can cite the fact that by improving the technological design products can reduce the complexity and cost of manufacture. Considered the main and secondary indicators of DFM of products and the principles of quantitative estimation of the latter. Methodology/approach. The result of quantitative estimation of DFM using engineering calculation methods is the formation of the objective function and the algorithm to ensure DFM, suitable for making decisions on improving the design of the product. For a sufficiently thorough analysis of DFM of the design and develop products based on this means of further improving the absolute figures are necessary but not sufficient, moreover, some of them can be determined only after the final manufacture of the product. Findings. In the course of the technological preproduction is often necessary to use technological support ratios, such as the utilization factor, normalization factor and repeatability factor. Originality/value. Determination of utilization factor, normalization factor and repeatability factor was considered on the example of the distribution of the structural details of machine tools.


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