Assurance of perfection factors for rope internal threads when machining in a efficient method


  • А. Neshta кафедра Технології машинобудування, верстатів та інструментів Сумського державного університету, Ukraine



machining, thread profile, compensation of wear, non-core tool, trajectory, feed, roughness, drill bit


The analysis of various methods of machining of rope internal thread ISО 10208, DIN 20317 has been carried out and the criteria of high-efficiency machining have been formulated. The concept of the method has been developed, which supposes the designing of the construction of non-core tool and the calculation of the parameters of mechanical trajectory with the purpose of ensuring the machining per one pass on the CNC milling machine. The compensation procedure of dimensional wear of insert has been developed. While the machining of the production batch of the parts in an experimental way, the optimum cutting conditions has been determined which allow ensuring the maximum efficiency on reaching the required roughness and the dimensional accuracy of the profile of rope thread. The performed statistical analysis of the machined parts allowed to establish that dispersions of the actual values of profiles’ roughness follow Gauss’ Law. In an experimental way has been proved that the application of the proposed method increased the efficiency of machining of the internal rope thread by 2,5 times. On the basis of comparison of engineering-and-economical performance, the efficient fields of application of high-efficient method of machining of the rope threads have been determined.


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How to Cite

Neshta А., “Assurance of perfection factors for rope internal threads when machining in a efficient method”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(81), pp. 10–20, Dec. 2017.



Original study