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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published and is not under consideration/review in any other journal.
  • The author must state that he or she is familiar with requirements for manuscript submission and authorises the editorial board to publish the scientific paper in one of the upcoming issues of Mechanics and Advanced Technologies journal
  • Issue a consent for the paper to be used in the digital databases to which the journal is linked.

Author Guidelines

Preparation and Submission of Manuscripts

Our online submission system will guide you step-by-step through the manuscript submission process.

Note, that all the correspondence with the journal and notification for manuscript acceptance is performed via email.

After familiarizing yourself with the submission process please follows this link to submit the manuscript.

Please submit your article via

Authors must declare any financial support or relationships that may pose a conflict of interest.

If tables or figures have been reproduced from other sources, a letter from the copyright holder stating authorization to reproduce the material must be attached.

Copyright of any article published in Mechanics and Advanced Technologies will belong to the author or their designee. However, it is a condition of publication in the journal that authors grant an exclusive license to publish to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The corresponding author will be asked to complete the license agreement form on transferring the copyright to upon acceptance of the manuscript:

Copyright Transfer Agreement (COPYRIGHT.pdf).


The journal accepts research (experimental and theoretical), review papers.

Prepare the manuscript text using a Word processing package (save in .doc format). Submission of PDF text files is not permitted.

We recommend using the following templates:

Example of article design

  1. Submission of a review manuscript to Mechanics and Advanced Technologies implies that the paper represents subject review has not published nowhere earlier and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and if accepted for publication it will not be submitted and published in the same language without a consent of the Editor(s) and Publisher. As a manuscript is accepted for the publication, the Publisher automatically acquires exclusive rights for the copyrighted work.
  2. The abstract (1500–1800 symbols) has to contain the following information with titles: background, objective, methods, results, conclusions. Each abstract should contain keywords.
  3. English or Ukrainian are languages of the publications.
  4. Manuscript Preparation. A paper has to be prepared according to the Microsoft Word paper template and contain a title, an abstract (summarizing main findings and results), and 5–7 keywords (reflecting the content of the contribution). The paper has to be quite comprehensive (however not exceed 10000 words) and arranged as headings (sections), e.g., “Introduction”, “Experimental (Theoretical) Methods”, “Obtained Results”, “Discussion”, “Conclusion”, “References”. Complicated formulae, mathematical expressions or (de)notations are not recommended in the title, abstract, and keywords.
  5. Equations and formulae are typed in the MathType or Microsoft Equation. Vectors (in the text, tables and figures) are typed in bold (without vector heads — arrows over), and variables (except greek-symbol) — italic.
  6. Figures (with 300 dpi resolution and 12.7 cm maximal width in the journal format) and Tables should be embedded after the text and references, numbered with consecutive arabic numbers, and have descriptive captions at the bottom of the figure or top of the table (see Word or PDF paper template). All figures should be also submitted separately as attached files in EPS, TIF, JPG, PNG or other formats.
  7. Figures, table data, and formulae or equations adopted from other articles should obligatory contain corresponding references (in captions to figures or tables or before the formulae or equations in the text) in order to avoid infringement of the copyright and editorial ethics or plagiarism. The editorial board of the journal uses the Unicheck system to check the originality of the material presented in each manuscript. 
  8. References should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] throughout the text. The full list should be collected and typed at the end of the paper in numerical order. Listed references should be complete in all details. All authors’ initials should precede their names. Examples of references preparation are presented below.
    References should be given according to IEEE Citation Reference. Note that each reference has to be followed by the Digital Object Identifier, DOI.
  9. The journal has no article submission, processing, or publication charges.
  10.  Authors prepare the manuscript strongly according to the above-mentioned rules and submit it via
  11.  Along with a manuscript, authors must send

- signed (and scanned) Copyright Transfer Agreement (COPYRIGHT.pdf). The journal allows the author(s) to hold (retain) copyright (publishing rights) without restrictions. Published articles are open-accessed.

- information about the authors (last name, first name, ORCID (, academic degree, academic title, affiliation, position, phone number, and email).

ORCID for each author is an obligatory condition of publication in our journal. If you have no ORCID, you can register it here


The section is devoted to the scientific and practical problems of the mechanics of deformable solids, the dynamics and strength of machines, biomechanics, pressure treatment processes, applied hydro-aeromechanics and industrial hydraulics.

Up-to-date machines and the technologies of mechanical engineering

Section dedicated to the scientific and practical problems of improving methods of calculation and design elements of engineering structures, automation and robotics engineering, development and implementation of advanced technologies and machines mechanical and physical-technical processing of materials and welding.

Aviation Systems and Technologies

The section is devoted to scientific and practical problems of development and implementation of technologies and processes of project management, management of quality systems, certification, standardization, technologies of utilization in high-tech engineering, promising materials, problems of development, design and production of aerospace systems, development of educational technologies.

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