Characteristics of throttles in hydraulic shock absorber considering temperature changes of fluid




valve-throttle unit, hydraulic throttle, flow coefficient, temperature, shock absorber


The work is devoted to experimental research of hydraulic damper throttle elements characteristics. The throttles that are formed by the functional gaps between the piston and the cylinder and piston and rod, the piston throttles and the bottom-throttles of the damper were investigated. The dependencies of flow coefficient from Reynolds numbers, which based on experimental data, for power fluids with different viscosities were calculated and represented for a temperature range 13.5 ... 60.1 ° C of the power liquid. Using these characteristics for design calculations could be more accurately determine the resistance force of the dampers. This recommendations allow reducing the temperature influence on the hydraulic damper's characteristics.


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How to Cite

I. Nochnichenko and O. Uzunov, “Characteristics of throttles in hydraulic shock absorber considering temperature changes of fluid”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(80), pp. 39–44, Oct. 2017.



Original study