The influence of hydraulic fluid viscosity on the process of their ultrasonic spraying




ultrasonic spraying, viscous fluid, spray temperature


It is known that there are many methods, due to which it is possible to spray a fluid with a given dispersion. All these methods have advantages and disadvantages. Most authors considered non-viscous fluids in their works. It is possible to reduce fluid viscosity by various methods, one of which is heating. In the work, the problem about the choice of temperature parameters for ultrasonic spraying of a viscous fluid is considered. The previous experiments showed, that the ultrasonic processing of the fluid leads to its heating, and when the "critical temperature" reaches, it begins spraying. However, it is necessary to spend extra time on heating the fluid with an ultrasonic disperser, which can become a significant disadvantage, which will make it impossible to use such method of spraying. One way that can help to overcome the difficulties, associated with reducing viscosity is to pre-heat the fluid to a predetermined temperature. The purpose of this work was to determine the features of spraying a viscous fluid, which was previously heated to a definately temperature.


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How to Cite

Koval О. and Kozeratskyi М., “The influence of hydraulic fluid viscosity on the process of their ultrasonic spraying”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(81), pp. 21–27, Dec. 2017.



Original study