Study of repeated laser treatment on structure and properties aged duralyumin




laser forming, processing, microhardness, residual stresses, dislocations


Abstract. Purpose. Identify areas of repeated laser treatment options alloy AA2024-T4 within which ensured the stability of its initial properties, identify the causes reduction in the strength characteristics of GR in excess of critical processing parameters
Design/methodology/approach Laser treatment was conducted on the technological complex «ROFIN DY 044" based on Nd: YAG laser diode pumped. Focal spot diameter (d) was 6mm. Treatment was carried out with a time interval between passes in 20 seconds
at processing speedsin terms V=7,5;10;15:15:30mm/s.. Resulting in the thermal zone were studied modern methods of materials science: X-ray diffraction, micro durometric, metallographic and other physic-methods Findings. Established that the critical values processing speedsin depend on the number of passes and in large quantities they should
not be less V=10mm/s. It is shown that microhardness reduction in processing at V<10mm/s. due to an increase in the average temperature of the workpiece, leading to the dissolution phase, strengthened.
Originality/value. Proved that in certain modes in the multiple laser processing allows to obtain high quality products with aged duralyumin.


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How to Cite

A. Lutay, L. Golovko, and O. Kaglyak, “Study of repeated laser treatment on structure and properties aged duralyumin”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(80), pp. 78–84, Oct. 2017.



Original study