Development of technical means for designing technological and machine equipment for frame layout


  • D. A. Dmitriev Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine
  • S. A. Rusanov Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine
  • A. A. Omelchuk Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine
  • D. D. Fedorchuk Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine



technical design tools, surface treatment strategies, frame-based spatial layouts, glide equipment


The article analyzes the strategies for processing surfaces of the second order with the smallest deviation from the planned trajectories. The analysis of the behavior of glide equipment is applied to the use of standard processing strategies in the line of authoring software products, such as Tools Glide and Tools Response. The possibility of choosing second-order surface treatment strategies based on the calculated accuracy criteria is shown. Preliminary recommendations on the location of typical trajectories along the z coordinate in the working space of the machine tool are obtained. It is established that the layout with inclined guides greatly increases the rigidity of the arrangement as compared to the parallel guides. Based on the results of the series of calculations, found, that strategies with the least amount of acute-angle transitions should be chosen. It is described that the increase in accuracy in the considered layouts of the glide equipment can be provided by adjusting the original trajectory when its curvature and the direction of the tool movement change. For such a task, it is necessary to determine as thoroughly as possible the general relationship for the force factors of processing.


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How to Cite

D. A. Dmitriev, S. A. Rusanov, A. A. Omelchuk, and D. D. Fedorchuk, “Development of technical means for designing technological and machine equipment for frame layout”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(81), pp. 54–62, Dec. 2017.



Original study