The analysis of forming and strain state of the hollow step forgings during the enlarging process


  • О. Markov Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, Ukraine
  • M. Kosilov
  • О. Gerasimenko
  • S. Shevtsov



An enlarging, the deformation state, a shell, the step die, the total deformation, a forging


Improving safety, accelerating construction and extending the life of nuclear power plants is one of the main directions of the development of the energy industry. From this point of view, much attention is being paid to the production of forgings, which combine a few details today. This requires the use of new technologies with the use of non-standard tools. The purpose of the work is analyze of the shape and the deformation state of the conical stepped forging when rolling the stepped workpiece with the simultaneous deformation of the protuberance and the ledge. The simulation was performed using finite element method, which is consistent with experimental data. Experimental studies were carried out on lead models. Rolling of stepped workpiece with simultaneous deformation of the protrusion and ledge leads to the appearance of conical forging. Taper on the side of the ledge occurs at the initial stage of rolling and during the whole process increases. The emergence of a conical shape is explained by the fact that during slipping, with the same absolute deformation (stroke), the ledge gets more accumulated deformation through a more precise wall.


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How to Cite

Markov О., M. Kosilov, Gerasimenko О., and S. Shevtsov, “The analysis of forming and strain state of the hollow step forgings during the enlarging process”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(81), pp. 47–53, Dec. 2017.



Original study