Circulations evolution in inertial flows of incompressible fluid in spherical tanks


  • V. Коvalev Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine



spherical reservoir, axisymmetric flow, circulation structures, azimutal, radial and meridional components of the velocity vector


The purpose of the work: presentation and analysis results of simulations in the sphere for constructing a rigorous system of action on inertial flows of a fluid. The results of numerical simulation of inertial axisymmetric flows of a viscous incompressible fluid completely filling a spherical reservoir with rigid walls are presented. Constructions of the azimutal velocity component in the equatorial plane of the spherical reservoir are constructed and a comparison is made with the linear flow model by the N. Slyozkin method for a viscous incompressible fluid. The results of solving the fluid motion equations for a nonstationary damped flow are proposed, an analysis is made of the distribution of current lines and circulation structures in the meridian planes of the reservoir. In particular, the hydrodynamic mechanism for the development of a damped flow is established and the evolution of the circulation is shown as a function of the process time. The research results can be extended to similar flows in mobile constructions of a different configuration.


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How to Cite

Коvalev V., “Circulations evolution in inertial flows of incompressible fluid in spherical tanks”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(81), pp. 75–81, Dec. 2017.



Original study