Peculiarities of physical modeling of hydrodynamics of flow in conical slide bearings




lubrication systems, conical clearance, torque, rotating cone


Studying of hydrodynamics flow in conical friction bearings is one of the actual tasks in mechanical engineering. Such kinds of bearings are used as support devices and have been widely used in a number of mechanical and hydraulic systems, particularly in turbines, hydraulic drive systems and in the automotive industry. The feature of such kind of bearings is that they have more complex construction than cylindrical ones. Also hydrodynamics of the flow inside these devices has not been fully studied. Unfortunately, theoretical studies of such problems are not complete at present time and the results of such studies do not always coincide with the experimental data. Considering this, it becomes necessary to carry out experimental studies to obtain friction torque dependencies in a conical sliding bearing and the magnitudes affecting it, for example, the thickness of the grease layer, the rheological characteristics of the grease and the curvature of the surface. This work is devoted to the physical modeling of friction conical bearings with taking into account the rheological properties of grease.


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How to Cite

F. Razavi and O. Koval, “Peculiarities of physical modeling of hydrodynamics of flow in conical slide bearings”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(82), pp. 51–57, May 2018.



Original study