Analysis of strength of composite cellular scope of scanner of a space apparatus under harmonic vibrations at the stage of introduction to orbit


  • V. Masley ГКБ «Южное», г. Днепр, Ukraine
  • M. Kryshchuk Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. Tsybenko Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine



composite materials, multi-layer carbon-fiber plates, panels, scanner, harmonic vibrations, finite element approximation, numerical calculations, elastic and mass characteristics, stress-strain state, strength


The results of numerical determination of dynamic characteristics and stress-deformed condition of the design of the panel platform of the scanner for a spacecraft under harmonic vibrations and quasi-static overloads at the stage of orbital deployment are presented. As a simulation model of the studied system, the topological structure of the composite panel with a known type of cell construction and reinforcing layers of the material in the plane of the package of carbon-plastic plates, tubes, brackets and the arrangement of optical devices is chosen. For solving statics and dynamics problems, the finite element method in mathematical formulation of boundary value problems for modal, harmonic, and quasi-static analysis is employed. Own frequencies and fluctuations forms of the scanner panel platform are determined. For the investigated mode of forced oscillations of the cell panel of the scanner under harmonic vibrations, the resonant amplitudes of displacements, accelerations and amplification coefficients of vibration acceleration amplitudes are established. The maximum magnitudes of Mises equivalent stresses and the minimum strengths of the structural elements of the composite panel by the action of harmonic vibrations and quasi-static overloads corresponding to stage of output are establishedthe investigated mode of forced oscillations of the cell panel of the scanner under harmonic vibrations, the resonant amplitudes of displacements, accelerations and amplification coefficients of vibration acceleration amplitudes are established. The maximum magnitudes of Mises equivalent stresses and the minimum strengths of the structural elements of the composite panel by the action of harmonic vibrations and quasi-static overloads corresponding to stage of output are established.


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How to Cite

V. Masley, M. Kryshchuk, and A. Tsybenko, “Analysis of strength of composite cellular scope of scanner of a space apparatus under harmonic vibrations at the stage of introduction to orbit”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(82), pp. 34–42, May 2018.



Original study