Heating (thermogenesis) in rapid internal combustion engine


  • P. M. Hashchuk Львівський державний університет безпеки життєдіяльності, м. Львів, Ukraine
  • S. V. Nikipchuk Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", Ukraine




rapid internal combustion engine, heat formation, heat formation intensity, anti (heat)detonation heat dissipation


The features of heat production in the process of combustion of a fuel mixture in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine are studied. As it turned out, typical of the working processes in the otto-engine internal combustion is that, until the moment of reaching the maximum intensity of heat generation, the total amount of heat dissipated is 49% of the potentially possible — one that conceals the fuel that has fallen into the work engine space. At different operating modes of the engine m, the parameter characterizing together the maximum of the intensity of heat generation and the instant of its onset acquires values close to . These typical features are very durable and it makes sense to rely on the simulation of the internal combustion engine. Often, the proportion of conditionally burned fuel (the proportion of the allocated within the working space of the engine of heat) in the case of modelling of heat generation is considered to be predetermined and fixed. Instead, experiments show that this parameter acquires a completely different meanings at different modes of motion. It is always worthwhile to take into account this fact because it enables to objectively evaluate the efficiency of heat generation. The formal signs (which do not reveal the physical essence) of the optimality of the process of heat generation declared in the scientific literature, it turns out, distinguish such a process of heat release, which is appropriately called anti (heat) detonation. The (heat) detonation of the heat is that in the process of combustion of the fuel mixture the maximum rate of heat release should be as small as possible, that is, the process must become, so to speak, minimax.


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How to Cite

P. M. Hashchuk and S. V. Nikipchuk, “Heating (thermogenesis) in rapid internal combustion engine”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(82), pp. 92–99, May 2018.



Original study