The mathematical representation of the thread profile made with crop-to-size tool


  • S. S. Nekrasov Сумський Державний Університет, Ukraine
  • D. O. Zhyhylii Сумський Державний Університет, Ukraine
  • D. A. Pylypiv Сумський Державний Університет, Ukraine



internal thread, crop-to-size tool, major deviation, screw thread profile, mechanical operation, rounding method


The paper is concerned with a mathematical representation of the thread profile obtained by mechanical crop-to-size tooling method on a computer numerical controlled (CNC) mill machine that has maximal output of a large pitch of a screw thread and small diameters.
Further research is aimed at the possible mathematical formulation of the gained thread profile, since graphic methods for profile constructing are the only known by rounding method, which in turn expands the design possibilities when it is necessary to create screw surfaces with a large step
The use of this dependence provides an opportunity to assess the screw thread profile obtained by this method. The conducted study determines the deviation of the formed surface profile from a given thread profile. The thread profile parameter and the parameters of the shape-generating point trajectory, having the major influence on the deviation value, are determined.


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How to Cite

S. S. Nekrasov, D. O. Zhyhylii, and D. A. Pylypiv, “The mathematical representation of the thread profile made with crop-to-size tool”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(83), pp. 18–23, Oct. 2018.



Original study