The energy approach application for the behavior analysis of the non-idealized mechanical and hydromechanical systems


  • О. Machuga Національний лісотехнічний університет України, м. Львів, Ukraine
  • О. Yakhno КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, м. Київ, Ukraine



energy functional, irreversible processes, variation inequalities, exergy and anergy


Purpose. It is necessary to construct of the energy functional for the development of the energy approach for the mechanical system behavior analysis. The extreme points of that functional are achieved on the some functions set, that characterized the actual state of this system. The subject of research is the functions of such object state. They are simultaneously solutions of the differential equations system which described the behavior of the considered mechanical system in the power approach framework. Research methods are associated with the definition of the energetic functionals. This allows us to formulate an adequate model of an arbitrary mechanical or hydro mechanical system that covers the essential features of energy-exchange processes in the interaction of its individual components. Further approximation of state functions is the basis for constructing analytic and numerical solutions of the corresponding classes of problems. The main result of the work is in applying the energy approach for structurally inhomogeneous mechanical systems with significant dissipative properties. It is associated with the formulation of variation inequalities with respect to the functional energy written for the exergy and the energy of the investigated object. The proposed energy approach is acceptable for formulating and solving a wide class of problems in determining the state of structurally heterogeneous non-idealized mechanical and hydro mechanical systems that are in real irreversible dissipative processes.


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How to Cite

Machuga О. and Yakhno О., “The energy approach application for the behavior analysis of the non-idealized mechanical and hydromechanical systems”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(82), pp. 43–50, May 2018.



Original study